Rick's Digital Desert
Photography by Richard B. Hardman
About Me
Copyright © 2006-2015 Richard B. Hardman, All Rights Reserved
Born in Wisconsin in 1961 and then raised in Ohio where I entered the Marine Corps in 1979. While on my first deployment overseas I purchased a 35 mm camera and was hooked and started photography as a hobbyist in 1980. I am a self-taught photographer and until 2005 kept my work quiet. After seeing some of my art, many friends and relatives convinced me to start showing my art to the public. Within a few months I had some of my art published and have received numerous awards in art shows since. I'm currently a member of the Twentynine Palms Art Gallery along with other art groups. I still look at my photography as a hobby to this day so I tend to keep things simple. One of the most frequent questions I get is; Why the desert? Well, my first assignment with the Marines was here in 1979 and the crystal clear air and the vast open landscape of the Mojave Desert made a tremendous impact. The raw power and beauty of this land may not grab you as it did me but stay here awhile and it will. I was assigned here again in 1989 through 1994 then finally in 2001. In 2005 I retired from the Marines and formally took up residency since.
Some will think I’m nuts getting up in the wee hours in the morning just to catch an astronomical event, such as a meteor shower, or to catch the first rays of the sunrise. The tranquility of the desert at that time in the morning, with the Milky Way winding overhead, and a hot cup of coffee is something to experience. I hope my photography conveys the beauty that I see all around the desert. Photography just comes naturally since the beauty is already there. All I have to do is take the picture. Take care and I hope to see ya out there!